To use the Aptera Solar Calculator add-on for Blender follow these four steps:

  • Step 1) Download and install Blender. The add-on was written for Blender version 3.3.1 and later. Download the latest version of Blender from this link and follow the on-line instructions to complete the installation.

  • Step 2) Enable the Sun Position add-on that is shipped with Blender. Launch Blender and click Edit / Preferences, then click the Add-ons button to see all the available add-ons that come as part of the Blender install. Search the list of add-ons for Lighting: Sun Position and click the box next to the name to enable it. When finished, close the Blender Preferences window.

    Blender screen snapshot

  • Step 3) Download and install the Aptera Solar Calculator add-on. Click here to download the file to your computer. Unzip the downloaded file and extract the two files to a location on your computer. Go back to Blender and click Edit / Preferences, then click the Add-ons button followed by the Install button. Select the extracted file and click Install Add-on.

    Blender screen snapshot

    Once installed you will see it on the list of available add-ons as Aptera: Aptera Solar Calculator and it should be enabled by default.

    Blender screen snapshot

  • Step 4) Open the Aptera Solar Calculator blend file in Blender. This file is contained in the zip file downloaded in step 3 above and has all the 3D objects that the add-on needs. From Blender go to File / Open and select the extracted file ApteraSolarCalc.blend. Once you have opened the file in Blender the screen should look something like this.

    Blender screen snapshot

    To view the control window for the add-on (outlined in red above), click the N key on your keyboard to toggle the sidebar visibility, then select the tab in the sidebar titled Aptera.

    For instructions on how to use the Aptera Solar Calculator add-on for Blender, reference this YouTube video.